mercredi 28 octobre 2020

Carolyn Arends pour la Toussaint

 Carolyn Arends pour la Toussaint

Carolyn Arends

La solennité de la Toussaint approche à grands pas. Cette solennité m'est particulièrement chère car il y a quinze ans, le premier novembre 2005, en la la solennité de tous les saints, je présidais les funérailles de ma chère maman, Carmen. 

Ma chanteuse chrétienne canadienne préférée est Carolyn Arends. Elle vient de mettre une de ses compositions sur le web à l'occasion de la Toussaint qui est à nos portes.  

Les mots qui me touchent le plus dans ce chant, sont les suivants:  

It’s friends and relations and each generation of saints who believed And received The Prize They have looked into His eyes

Il s'agit, bien sûr, des Yeux de Jésus. D'ailleurs, la vidéo ci-dessous se termine par cette citation de la Lettre aux Hébreux

" Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses ... let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. "  (Letter to the Hebrews, chapter 12, verses 1and 2)

A candlelit, very personal live acoustic rendition of Carolyn's song "Great Cloud of Witnesses", performed ...
Il y a 2 jours · Téléversé par Carolyn Arends

A candlelit, very personal live acoustic rendition of Carolyn's song "Great Cloud of Witnesses", performed on a Gibson B25 acoustic guitar and surrounded by the memories of loved ones.

Stream/download the studio version: Subscribe to Carolyn's YouTube Channel: To join the community (and get exclusive videos and song sneak peeks), subscribe to Carolyn's Weekly Digest: Great Cloud of Witnesses Carolyn Arends I was just four, my grandmother’s place I knelt by her sofa and started this race And now I’ve been running for such a long while I’ve kind of lost track of the miles Sometimes I press on, sometimes I look back Sometimes I just lay in the road on my back When I’ve got to get up and I don’t know how I hear in the distance the roar of a crowd It’s the great cloud of witnesses Cheering me on each step that I go It’s the great cloud of witnesses They say the finish is worth every inch of the road Moses is there, up in his seat With my Grandad Wilfred, my Nana Bernice There’s Abraham, Isaac and my buddy Rich And I think they’re shouting "don’t quit" So if you are tired, and your back is sore If you’re not so sure you can run anymore Then just take a moment and listen real close Do you hear a sound like a heavenly host? It’s the great cloud of witnesses Cheering us on each step that we go It’s the great cloud of witnesses They say the finish is worth every inch of the road It’s friends and relations and each generation of saints who believed And received The Prize They have looked into His eyes It’s the great cloud of witnesses … © Running Arends Music (ASCAP)

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